Meet An Entrepreneur

The story is all too familiar, but the ending is not.

Imagine this …

You’re a mother.

Your husband abandoned you and your two children with no support.
You are hurting, overwhelmed, and have no real safety net.

You are now the sole provider for your family.

You ask, “What do I do now?”

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Mark GoeserComment
What's Your Why?

Traveling to Haiti in 2016 was an eye-opening experience. There are over a million orphans living there and approximately 40,000 orphanages. Shockingly, 75% of these children have at least one living parent.

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What People Hear When They Are Truly Quiet

How Listening To This One Thing Can Change Your Life
In coaching and encouraging thousands of people toward the kind of peace, wellbeing, and flourishing (shalom) that God intends, I have watched a common theme emerge in moments of stress and crisis. When people are quiet enough to listen, I ask them to tell me what they hear or what they need to lean into.

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Mark GoeserComment
The History of Poverty

The Untold Story That Brings Hope To Our Current Crisis

Early estimates indicate that the crisis created by COVID-19 could push an additional 70-100 million people into extreme poverty.* That could mean many more will be forced to live on less than $2/day, a ridiculously low income that most of us can’t even fathom. Did you know over the past two hundred...

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Healthy Families

The Hope Family is truly amazing!

Unless you’ve been living on a deserted island with a volleyball, the past couple weeks have been incredibly challenging for our country. If you are like me, you can be overwhelmed with disheartening messages that give way to despair. And yet there are glimpses of…

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