Meet Our Entrepreneurs

Amess Mwamdanza now has HOPE for the future of her business as well as the tools to reach her goals.

Amess Mwamdanza now has HOPE for the future of her business as well as the tools to reach her goals.

Amess has been providing language interpretation services to visitors of Malawi for the past six years. She was working with a Baptist mission organization to provide language and cultural training to their missionaries. When that contract ended, she thought “How can I continue from here?”

The end of this contract could have easily meant the end of her business. But Amess got connected to our program and, through the training she receives, is adapting her business model to market to other mission organizations, hire additional translators, and offer more languages for translation.

Aggrey Masi is using his training to diversify his core products and grow his business.

Aggrey Masi is using his training to diversify his core products and grow his business.

Aggrey Masi: Large Scale Farming and Organic Agriculture

Aggrey spent three years running his aunt’s pig farm for her while she was away. When she returned and began running her farm again, Aggrey realized how much he had enjoyed the time he spent there. He found value in every step of the process, from caring for the animals to working with vets and purchasing feed. 

Aggrey became interested in not only running a farm like his aunt’s, but growing it into something much bigger. He knew he had the skills needed to run his farm, but he wanted to strengthen his business skills so that he could grow his operations. He began attending our program and found the financial training essential in helping him improve his tracking system and make accurate cash flow projections to use as he expands.

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