Unleashing Hope & Dignity!

It’s truly amazing how “Immanuel” comes to extend hope and dignity to each of us and then invites us to share that very thing with others. Consider how your generosity is moving people beyond charity to the empowerment of job creation and growing in relationship with God and others. 

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Here are three “hope-filled” Christmas gifts:

1)  Quito, Ecuador 

The launch of our Quito Entrepreneur Training Project far surpassed expectations. We asked for a minimum of 12 mentors and 3 facilitators to be trained. Over 25 mentors and subject matter experts, including 7 facilitators, showed up for the 3-day training!  What a powerful start to creating a path for families to flourish as Christ of Christmas intends. One university professor who attended the events shared, “God has given me a vision to see our community change through the marketplace.”

2)  Global Partnerships 

We are much more effective together than we are individually. Recently in Washington DC we met with organizations: Hope International, World Relief, Partners Worldwide and Compassion International to begin a more collaborative approach to poverty alleviation.  This is just one of many ways your financial investment is maximizing opportunities for change.  

3) Three M’s That Show Momentum

Beyond our continuing work in Haiti and Ecuador, your generosity has opened doors to launching businesses with impact in Manilla, Moldova, and Malawi! Additionally, we have requests from other parts of Ecuador and even a project in Los Angeles.

Your giving has brought “hope” to people not only in “word” but in “deed.” Both the apostles John & James made it clear,telling people that God loves them is one thing— showing them is another (1 Jn 3:17, James 2:16).  Practically speaking, your gifts ultimately lead to job creation and transformed hearts. This equates to less children going to bed hungry, more kids in school, families have better healthcare, less people are vulnerable to exploitation while communities begin to flourish.

As God has expanded our reach into other countries, we have taken some big steps to respond to those needs. We believe when all of us do our part, God takes what we have and helps us meet the need.

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As we approach the end of 2019, many are considering where to make their end of year gifts. I invite you to prayerfully consider not just helping close the gap, but also ensuring that we come out of the gate strong in 2020. In doing so, you will strengthen impact among families and individuals, helping them find dignity and increased capacity through meaningful work and life-changing relationships. Together we can embrace the coming New Year with great expectation for a God-sized impact in the lives of others. 

With Gratitude & Expectation,

Mark Goeser - Hope Ventures, Founder

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