Video Update & Voices from the Field

Your investment in families becoming self-sufficient to create thriving communities has never been more important. Watch the video below as I share the latest developments with the Hope Community as we embrace new opportunities in the middle of this pandemic. If ever there was a time for entrepreneurship, it’s now! 

Mark Goeser, Founder
Hope Ventures


From the Field – Snapshots from Haiti and Ecuador


Quito Ecuador

 What’s really important? 

Ecuadorians line up for food and supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. 4/20

Ecuadorians line up for food and supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. 4/20

According to the lead partner of the Quito Entrepreneur Project, Oscar Aguirre, the COVID 19 crisis is not just hardship and pain, but a forced reset for many. 

“This is a special time that will probably mark this generation and will be recorded in history and we are in the middle of it..” Oscar continued, “Our prayer is that people around the world realize what is really important in life...”  

The leader of Pan de Vida, an organization dedication to helping the poor, went on to share while they are literally stepping in to “keep people from starving, there is so much more to do” to help families and children.

So far, Ecuador is one of the hardest-hit countries in Latin America by the COVID-19 pandemic. Your prayers and support go a long way to helping families get back on their feet providing for their families.  

Port Au Prince, Haiti

“Social distancing. It’s a privilege for the rich and middle class, not an option for the poor.”


Seige Poteau, Dean of Université Espoir and key project partner of the Port Au Prince Entrepreneur Project shares“The middle class in Haiti is on a lockdown mode but most other people can't be locked home since they have to go out every day to work to get food.”  Pastor Poteau shared how they are doing their best “caring for the needy among us…”  

Last year a partnership between Université Espoir, Trinity Education, and Hope Ventures successfully launched the Port Au Prince Entrepreneur Project with over 30 entrepreneurs.  Though a small army of business mentors teamed up with entrepreneurs to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses, civil unrest and now the coronavirus have made it quite challenging. Even so, the Hope Ventures community remains committed to our Haitian brothers and sisters ready to help as they renew efforts later this year toward thriving communities. 

Mark Goeser