Extreme Poverty. These people are opting out.

Did you know that 60 percent of the population in Mozambique lives in extreme poverty?

Through your generosity, 30 more people are doing something about it!

That’s why we are invested in the Seeds of Hope project—a community-based chicken processing and marketing company that equips underserved families with training and skills to run their own chicken farms. The goal is to empower the local community through new businesses that create jobs and care for families.

Last month, we launched two business training events for trainers and entrepreneurs led by Tendai Kashangura, the trainer who has been helping with our Malawi project. A total of 30 participants attended the workshop intended to equip entrepreneurs with business management skills that help them build profitable and sustainable businesses that bring about holistic transformation to their communities.

“During the business training, I learned about the importance of writing your vision down and pursuing it. This involves sacrificing and making hard decisions pertaining to financial matters. In the Savings Group and Team Building training, I learned to value others and their contributions. Now I am motivated to grow my business and impact others in the community.”

-TITO AUGUSTO JOAO, Chicken Farmer

“The Savings Group and Team Building training was an eye-opener to me. I learned how to work effectively as a group. The teaching on how to develop a group constitution was very helpful to me. To improve my business, I am working on business planning and managing my profits wisely. I will start to keep records of everything that happens in my business so that I am clear on how I used my business funds.”


Individuals and families experience dignity and hope when they have meaningful work and life-changing relationships. Then they can establish sustainable incomes that lead to communities that flourish.

Your generosity makes this happen.

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