We work with you, the local community partner, to build your vision for a thriving entrepreneurial community.
Local Partners Include:
Civic Organizations
Nonprofits & Places of Worship
Business Leaders
Government Agencies
Mark Goeser, Seige Poteau, and Alan Weisenberger - 2019 Haiti
Local Partner Profile
Seige Poteau, a Haitian businessman/pastor shares, "We don't need more orphanages in Haiti, we need jobs so parents can take care of their own children.”
Situated in a country with over 35% unemployment, Seige launched the Université Espoir in 2015 with a mission to educate and equip people toward sustainable livelihood and thriving communities.
In May 2019, Université Espoir launched the first Entrepreneur Project with 33 entrepreneurs and 15 business mentors. Their unique program empowers new business owners to increase their income, capacity, and heart to impact their neighborhoods and communities.
Coming out of COVID-19 these entrepreneurs hold a great advantage to standing back on their feet as the economy re-opens. Go team Haiti!