Hope Ventures

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Mozambique: Paving the Way to a Brighter Future with Poultry Farming

I am excited to share with you the story of our newest project partnership in Mozambique! At one time, Mozambique was considered one of the poorest countries in the world. (Think bottom ten on the poverty index.) Disease, war and natural disasters all contributed to the country’s high poverty rates, creating critical need throughout the country. Over the last decade, Mozambique has gained ground, but it’s been a fight.

At present, one out of every two children, living in rural Mozambique, suffers from hunger and malnutrition. This silent predator robs children and families of their vitality and capacity to overcome poverty. It’s no surprise…young children who don’t get proper nutrition struggle in school and often don’t reach their full potential as adults.

There is a critical need for businesses that empower families toward self-sufficiency while ensuring kids are well fed and better able to participate in school.

This is where your love and generosity enter the story. Through the Seeds of Hope project, poultry farming is paving the way to a brighter future.