Hope Ventures

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What People Hear When They Are Truly Quiet

How Listening To This One Thing Can Change Your Life

In coaching and encouraging thousands of people toward the kind of peace, wellbeing, and flourishing (shalom) that God intends, I have watched a common theme emerge in moments of stress and crisis. When people are quiet enough to listen, I ask them to tell me what they hear or what they need to lean into.

The most common reply?

“It’s going to be okay.”   Equally, “I’m going to be okay.”

For Christians, it’s this sense that, “God’s got this.”  More specifically, “God’s got me.” (1 Pet 5:7, Is. 41:13)

This isn’t a surrender to apathy or indifference. Far from it. It actually takes courage and surrender to lean into this kind of assurance. But it will absolutely turn down the volume on fear, insecurity, and anger which often sabotages our capacity for growth and wellbeing.

I’d like to challenge you to take some time this week and listen. Here are two questions:

·       What’s the shift inside of you that needs to take place so that you can rest well while tending to what’s truly important?

·       What is it that you need to surrender and what is it that you need to embrace in this moment?